Posts Tagged ‘videos’

Our Blue Barrel Indoor system.

We have completed and tested our 55 gallon Blue barrel indoor system, and everything works great. So like any sane person I took it apart and built another one. Here is a quick video of the system. I hope you like it.  Please ask any and all questions you may have. Have a great day. 

New videos

I bought the rest of my parts today to finish my indoor unit. With this recent development I will start making how to videos and posting them here. I plan on also making some self reliance videos, and other videos related to aquaponics and self reliance. I have some friends and family members that are starting to or have been,living a self reliant lifestyle and with their help I plan on making videos of our progress. If there is a certain type of video you would like to see, just ask.  This video shows how easy it is to use Oasis grow cubes and Hydroton. 

We are official!!!

Sage Aquaponics Has just received it’s LLC. one step closer to providing healthy and locally grown produce and fish to our community and friends.

Hello world!

Hello happy aquaponics people,

This is the first day that Sage Aquaponics is out to help you with the in’s and out’s of living a self sufficient lifestyle. We hope that we can adequately answer any and all questions you may have in regards to aquaponics. We will try to review as much information as possible here. You can also visit us at our main page or at our forum where many people can add their own ideas and creativity to your system.