Archive for the ‘self reliance 101’ Category

Being Self reliant

A major part of one’s wanting to grow Aquaponically Should also be a persons need to be more self reliant. I bring this issue up because their are to few people in today’s society that actually know how to do for themselves. Sure a lot of us can jump on our computers and create amazing videos, but when push comes to shove how many can truly fend for themselves and their families? I am not talking about going all John Rambo, what I am talking about is having a measure of self sufficiency that lends itself the ability to provide for one’s self and family. we are all so reliant on what we can buy at the super market or a Wallmart at all times of the night that many of us lack the basic skills needed to survive without some form of outside help if a situation occurs. If we take a snapshot of what is going on in the world today, we should all see the signs that it is not looking good for us. So what I propose is for you to ask me some how to questions in regards to some skills that you would like to have in bag if a event should arise. A great example of this is what happened during hurricane Katrina. Knowing the basics of water collection and purification will go a long way and could have in that situation. I am not saying you need to be prepared to spend months out in the Alaskan wilderness, but we all need to know the basics. So I will start, The first rule to know is the rule of three. The rule of three states that a human, on average, can go 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3weeks without food, and 3 months without some form of socialization. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, if I don’t have them I have plenty of like minded friends that will. Have a great evening, and happy growing.

New videos

I bought the rest of my parts today to finish my indoor unit. With this recent development I will start making how to videos and posting them here. I plan on also making some self reliance videos, and other videos related to aquaponics and self reliance. I have some friends and family members that are starting to or have been,living a self reliant lifestyle and with their help I plan on making videos of our progress. If there is a certain type of video you would like to see, just ask.  This video shows how easy it is to use Oasis grow cubes and Hydroton. 

Sky rocketing food prices

Over the last few years food prices around the world have skyrocketed, all the more reason to learn to be more self sufficient. Aquaponics is one of the answers to these higher prices and possible food shortages.